Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Taken directly from our announcement--couldn't have written it better myself:
On behalf of Dean Rama Venkat, the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering is proud to announce that our team DRC-Hubo @UNLV finished in eighth place among the world’s best robotics teams competing in the 2015 U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Challenge Finals, just a few points below universities such as Carnegie Melon and MIT.
Launched in response to a humanitarian need that became glaringly clear during the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011, the DARPA Robotics Challenge consisted of three increasingly demanding competitions over two years. The goal was to accelerate progress in robotics and hasten the day when robots can enter areas too dangerous for humans and mitigate the impacts of natural or man-made disasters.

UNLV’s team, led by Lincy Professor of Unmanned Autonomous Systems, Paul Oh, performed six of eight tasks in 57 minutes and 41 seconds, giving the team the eighth place spot. The team performed better than competitors from Lockheed Martin, Virginia Tech, University of California, Los Angeles, Seoul National University and more. Joining UNLV on the team are students and one professor from Kookmin University in Seoul, Korea, as well as professionals from robotics company Praxis Aerospace.

Driving was arguably the most challenging task in the completion, but Oh hoped that UNLV would emerge as a leader in that area.  Metal Robot drove in less than 60 seconds, ranking among the top teams in the competition.

In case you missed it, please check out this UNLV slideshow, highlighting some of the most exciting aspects of the competition.  

During the competition, Oh and members of the team were featured in Computer World, U.S. News & World Report, Armed with Science(the U.S. Department of Defense science blog) and Popular Science.

You can see a play by play of the event on the COE Facebook and Twitter feeds.

We also worked with several other media outlets on larger projects that will be aired in the near future. Outlets include NOVA on PBS, The Economist, GQ Magazine, Daily Planet/Discovery Channel Canada,  Inside Unmanned Aerial Systems Magazine,  RAI Italian National TV, Robo Nation TV, Tech Biz Geeks blog and more.

Oh and team members also will be featured in several documentaries including “My Life with a Robot,” by French company Belotta films, a project by screenwriter Michael Bacall and a move production by To the Stars media.

Thousands of spectators visited the two-day competition, which also featured a large technology exposition. UNLV’s College of Engineering had a booth in this expo, attracting hundreds of people to follow us on social media, as well as hundreds of prospective students who filled out cards seeking additional information on our robotics programs.

Overall, it’s an epic success for our Engineering Program to be featured with the likes of Carnegie Melon, MIT, Lockheed Martin and more. We couldn’t be more proud of our team.

1 comment:

CnsmrRep said...

Hi Nancy! Please congratulate the team there for me as well, and thank you for the link to the DARPA Publication. I'm sitting here watching V.A. Hearings on Veteran Suicides, which is something that I first began to focus on in the early 1980's as Viet Nam vets were commiting suicide at an alarming rate as well. It goes far beyond P.T.S.D. as well.

Once again, thank you for the link. If I can be of any assistance, simply ask and I'll do my best to help. Hope that all is going well with you and yours.


Mitchell J. Rappaport

*Co-conceived and co-named: "The Americans with Disabilities Act" together with U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, January 2, 1968, who handed me a list of ten names that I had been requesting for a long while. From that list of ten Americans that might potentially assist me, which I had been requesting from him for quite a while, I chose Lex Frieden and the late Justin Dart, Jr. to potentially work with. I reached Lex on January 3, 1968 at 1:30 P.M. as he was coming out of surgery, and while still under an Anesthetic, suggested that he take his wonderful idea for a Congressional Act for people with disabilities and use a civil rights law approach to it. Then, without fully introducing myself or giving him my name, I disconnected the call.
*One book in process