So if anyone knows what causes this problem or how to fix it (or even how to delete these files), I'd sure appreciate your ideas. Thanks!
Blogging about all sorts of things--governance in higher education, in businesses, and in law firms; bankruptcy ethics; popular culture & the law; Enron & other corporate fiascos; professional responsibility generally; movies; ballroom dancing; and anything else that gets my attention.
Those are likely tiny files that were attached to spam.
If they don't delete with the usual emptying of the trash, have you tried the "Secure Empty Trash..." in the Finder Menu?
And if that fails, you can try "Trash It! 4.0", a freeware utility written just for troubled trash cans.
You can find Trash It! here:
You could always grab Win7 and go back to having a real computer!
Thanks, Anonymous--but after struggling with various PCs over the years, I'm now a firm convert to the Mac.
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